OnCue - Angry Young Man [Mixtape]

1. I am not angry...the delay of AYM has finally been brought to rest.
2. I have grown old waiting for Cuey's best project to date.
3. This man is proud to see the evolution that OnCue has taken over the numerous years.

Angry Young Man has finally been delivered from the infamous OnCue. The 12 track tape showcases the true and natural ability from Cuey as he teams up with some familiar faces on production. Back in 2013 I can recall Leftovers 2 (even if being a collection of unused tracks) as one of my favorite projects of the year and I don't know how this guy does it, but as I type and listen, this is jumping up in my top for 2014. With an almost effortless sound, OnCue proves that he hasn't vacated anywhere and is here to stay; what a gem this is.
