The Book of Job Episode 1 is the first installment in a webseries written,produced and co directed by Hip Hop veteran Corey "The Bad Seed" Pierson. This story follows the book in the Bible with a modern twist. God (played by hip hop superstar MIMS), makes a bet with Lucifer (Corey Pierson), that rapper Job Franklin (Justin Dinkins) would still remain faithful if all kinds of hardships come his way. This sends Lucifer on a spree Job and his fiance' Sharita(Lay Lay)would never forget. Also starring Rachel Swann as Lucifer's protoge' Sam. Co Directed by Ali Brathwaite.
The Book of Job Episode 1 is the first installment in a webseries written,produced and co directed by Hip Hop veteran Corey "The Bad Seed" Pierson. This story follows the book in the Bible with a modern twist. God (played by hip hop superstar MIMS), makes a bet with Lucifer (Corey Pierson), that rapper Job Franklin (Justin Dinkins) would still remain faithful if all kinds of hardships come his way. This sends Lucifer on a spree Job and his fiance' Sharita(Lay Lay)would never forget. Also starring Rachel Swann as Lucifer's protoge' Sam. Co Directed by Ali Brathwaite.
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