Haze - Smooth Ascension [EP]

Smooth Ascension EP

Arizona emcee and saxophonist Haze presents his debut EP "Smooth Ascension". Playing saxophone by age six and performing live at Phoenix venues by age eight, Haze resolved to take his music seriously after his mother committed suicide when he was 17, honing his combination of rhymes and saxophone.

"Smooth Ascension is my initiation into Hip Hop music and culture,"he says. Every song is a little piece of my soul. This is my creation, my baby, my offering to the world. With "Smooth Ascension" I am literally ascending to a higher position, and taking my first real step as an artist. I like to think that listeners are also able to achieve a certain level of ascension just by listening. I have a lot to say. But some things I just can't put into words... so that's when I let my saxophone do the talking."
