Kavale - Every Reason

If you're not familiar with Toronto rapper Kavale, you will be now. He made some noise with his last project Genius about two months ago. Only, after listening to Genius I can assure you it doesn't take one to know he'll be going places. He's back again with single, Every Reason. With only a couple seconds into the track it already has you on the edge of your seat anticipating what it has to offer. A few more seconds in then, Bap! The instrumental hits you with a couple hooks to the head that gives you that involuntarily head bob going to this hard ass beat. You can thank the rapper himself, Kavale with help from Arion Knight. With that type of instrumental it's hard to match with the delivery you need to acquire but Kavale does it just right. This single may deliver and hit but it'll only leave your head aching for more.
