It's no secret that the world these days has been a dark and grim place to live in with all of the violence and hate going on. Here to remind us about the good things in life is the homie Jered Sanders who looks to infuse the word of God in his latest freeverse as he hopes to put smile son his fans faces with his new genre of Hope Hop..
When you turn on the news these days, it's pretty easy to get swept up in the myriad of emotions stemming from current events. From police brutality to the current presidential election to racism and gang violence, it's easy to see the plot thickening and the pots of discord and confusion being stirred. I wanted to offer a charge, reminder, and rebuke to the body to remember why we're here. Blessed are the peacemakers. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Let us be reminded of who our God is and what His place should be in our lives. One thing's for sure, two things for certain, it doesn't matter who the president is, the Lord is working.
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