After personally taking about a month and a half off of writing due to some very frustrating computer problems, I couldn't think of a person more exciting right now to introduce to your ears than Gianni. The former Division 1 basketball player, who dropped out of college his freshman year to tour with SoMo, omits an exciting new and unique sound that will have lyrics and rhythms stuck in your head for the better.
The Chicago born, LA residing, Gianni changes the pop game with his newest record, "Forest Fire". With an insanely unforgettable hook, this is the type of song you could find easily on the radio and taking off due to it's sheer drug-addicting like effect it takes on you.
With "Forest Fire" being the first installment of a new music/film/fashion collection Gianni is developing enticingly titiled, Mimosa, I'll be the first to say that I cannot wait for whatever the future holds for this creative artist.
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