Shia Labeouf Rips On Rosenberg, Drake, lil Yachty & More

Actor Shia Labeouf's name has been circulating the Hip Hop airways lately after recently taking Sway's Five Fingers Of Death challenge and actually doing a better job than most of these so called rappers out there. In retrospect, Shia isn't new to the game. Back before he was teen sensation, he was a Hip Hop head and even had a passion for rapping. During his roll in the Disney movie Holes, he recorded a song for the soundtrack. He even was looking to start a label with his friend.

By the time he was on his way to stardom with the Transformers series, he put aside his dream of spitting on the mic but still focused on the music by traveling with some of his favorite artists on the Def Jux label. Many years later, something must have sparked an interest for Shia to want to grab the mic again and speak his mind, minus that viral video at a cypher in the park where he almost went bar for bar with some unknown female rappers verse. Anyway, Shia hit up Sway through email to come take the freestyle challenge and get some things off his chest that bothers him about the game today.

He did, the video took off and all of a sudden he was applauded for it. But not everyone was impressed nor pleased by the video. Hence, Hot 97's Rosenberg who for some odd reason decided to take the #UNameItChallenge and call out Shia in one of the wackest verses I've heard. After getting wind of the diss Shia immediately hit up Charlemagne and crew to premier this low quality rebuttal where he not only goes after the dull and less respected DJ, but also Drake, Lil Yatchy, Vin Diesel and more.

Now should Shia make a career out of rapping? Probably not, but he has the right content in what this dying industry is lacking in and we need more artists with balls like him.
