Q & A With Boldy James

We here at OK-THO had the pleasure to get a hold of Detroit's finest, the concreature himself, Boldy James. Slated to drop his upcoming project, The Art of Rock Climbing, it seemed like a great time for a little Q&A. 

"I got the chance to see you perform on the PRyhme tour in New York, are you gonna be on the road again soon?"
 Yes. The Art of Rock Climbing is coming out soon! There are a bunch of shows and tours in play, pop up shops, and more. Stay tuned.

"What’s your favorite spot to play in Detroit?"
 St Andrews!

"You seem to be a really humbled and reserved guy, but your music and visuals always have a lot to tell, do you think this confuses people from the outside looking in?"
 No. I am just super focused when I am working, but I am still keeping up the momentum and putting good records out.

"Everyone seems to want to associate you as a protege of Nas because of his cosign to you. Do you feel flattered? Or like they are trying to box you in?"
 No, I don’t feel boxed in. At first people associate me with Nas, but then when they hear my music it makes me my own person. I just have to keep creating.

"Your classic debut My First Chemistry Set was produced entirely by the Alchemist, your upcoming project The Art of Rock Climbing has been promoted by DJ Butter, is he hosting it or producing it?"
 He produced it, but not entirely. There are a lot of collabs but most of them are DJ Butter.

"A lot of your past projects are pretty long, like both Trapper’s Alley tapes, can we expect the same from this one?"
 No, not as many tracks on this one as my tapes in the past.

"I think we can connect the dots on what 'Rock Climbing' might be, but is this one going to get personal?"
 No it’s not going to be too personal.

"I have heard that you have a relationship with Chuck Inglish that’s deeper than rap, can you elaborate at all? You’ve worked professionally with Freddie Gibbs, Prodigy, Odd Future, and the list goes on. Did any of these relationships happen prior to when music got serious?"
 Chuck and I have a big cousin little cousin relationship. As far as the others you named, I had relationships with them before the music got serious.

"How old were you when you got into rapping?"
 I was about 9 years old. Young enough to have the teacher take away the rhymes I was writing during school and read them out loud to the whole class. Back when it wasn’t cool to be rapping.

"I think you’re the nicest at math of all the rappers I’ve listened to, do you take pride in this?"
 I’ve always been big around the way to make sure the count is right, always been good at numbers- it’s a street code.

"I’ve heard you mention your children in your lyrics. Any advice for the rapping fathers out there?"
 Be the message that you bring in your music. Your kids are watching everything you do; more than you think they are. You’re their superhero, you’re that role model so whatever you say you gotta be able to stand on that.

"I’m excited for The Art of Rock Climbing and hope to see you perform at some point in time again in the future. One last question; do the Pistons have what it takes for a playoff push?"
 Thank you! And yes... definitely.

Big thanks to Boldy James for the interview. Stay tuned for the Mass Appeal MC moving forward. 


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