#ProducersCorner: Blacktop Megaphone - Tape Lonely Boy

In his second release in a little over two months, Blacktop Megaphone delivers “Tape Lonely Boy”. Produced alone in a room with a Tascam 388 and an assortment of instruments, samplers, and sound generating devices, Mega continues down the lofi aural path demonstrated on his November EP “Infinite Reflector”.

"Blacktop Megaphone is a composer, producer and performer that currently resides in Portland OR. Coming up in Chicago, he has made art with the likes of Denmark Vessey, Sam Trump, KAMI, and Angéle Anise. Mega is coming off of the release of his EP “Infinite Reflector”, and the 2016 Denmark Vessey single, “Situationships”, which he co-produced with his blood brother dug. “Tape Lonely Boy” is a project that follows a personal narrative down a lonely path saturated with fuzzy synthesizers, as well as highly based samplers and drum machines."
