The year is 1975.. Parliament and Funkadelic release the EP length 'Mothership Connection' into the ether.. In the same instant, someplace far in the future.. a supercrew is born.
‘Its always been about the journey.. not the destination.. and this train cant be stopped..’
This is Mothership Connection taking you express to Junkleberry Junction. Please keep luggage under your seats and not in the aisle. If you see anything suspicious please keep it to yourself and smoke politely. Passengers be advised this train does NOT stop at request.
Room2 Records is proud to present this journey of four emcees [Cheech] [Dubbul O] [Goshin] [Legion] and Manny’s very own rap controller [Mankub] to a place named ‘Junkleberry Junction’.
Mankub laid down the tracks and Mothership the lines.. an intrepid journey opens out.. a new chapter is written and destiny foretold.. a story of great cunning, camaraderie and cantankerousness creation lurches forth..
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