Devine Carama's Thoughts On Documentary
"Our goals for this documentary is to inspire people to lead from where they are and too push the limits of that leadership. I'm not a politician or a preacher, I'm a hip hop artist. So I used my gifts and talents to give back. I want to encourage others to use their gifts to give back whether they are writers, artists, teachers, bus drivers, or even janitors. Everyone can lead, they just have to take advantage of the opportunity and situation given and lead from there. Also, we often become numb to the sacrifice that many people endure to provide us with the freedoms and comforts that we have today. I wanted this documentary to inspire others to sacrifice and push the limits of their leadership so that future generations can have some freedoms an comforts that we don't have."
Devine Carama
Hip Hop Artist
Director of Believing In Forever Inc.
Educator at University of Kentucky
Student Mentor at LTMS
501 W. 6th Street, Suite 250
Lexington, KY 40508
Devine Carama - The Good News (album) - https://devinecarama. news-gospel-hip-hop-album
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