The word grimy gets tossed around pretty lightly, especially of late. Everyone wants to be dark. Everyone wants the odds stacked against them and to become the unsung hero. With hip-hop in its current state, along with
Retch getting older, it feels more and more like he fathered a lot, if not most, of the experimental, erratic, loose cannon type of artists that sprout in spades. Perhaps the grimiest of them all, the North-Jersey artist goes berserk on "Retaliation".
Dealing with growing in the industry,
soured relationships, and
run-ins with the law, Retch sounds as hungry as ever. After vocalizing his respects for the death of
XXX Tentacion and
Jimmy Wopo he proceeds to describe how he's
'Dropping off a bitch on [his] way to pick a bitch up'
Porter comes as cold as ever, making the anticipation for whatever is next only that much stronger. Support the man below.
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